Scout Central is a scouting platform by Swan Hockey. Swan Hockey is geared towards community and "A Better Way to Play the Game" and offers a unique experience to try to improve your experience in this game; and this is our scouting platform!

Of course! Scout Central is for anyone that wants to use it! Swan Hockey is geared towards community. Everyone is free to come and go as they please and be part of it in whatever capacity they choose, even if you only choose the free stuff. That's totally cool, welcome to the community! To learn more about Swan Hockey, click here.

Scout Central is for anyone that is looking to progress through the hockey world. It is not a magic pill. Scout Central amplifies everything that you are already doing. You are investing tons of time and money in private training, team tuition, off ice training, etc. Scout Central helps show all of that off and helps make that more accessable to teams. It helps you get the most out of the time and money that you are pouring into your journey. The idea is that your profile grows as you grow. Scout Central currently costs $22.99 per month(cancel whenever), which makes it one of the cheapest things you can do in this game each month, and again, helps make the other money you're spending go further.

Scout Central is a look into your hockey world! Create your profile the way you want it with the things you want teams to know! Anything you feel is important and that you would want a team to know, put it in your profile!

The 'shareable links' maximize the value the players get out of their accounts and maximizes the players' ability to be proactive! Send your 'shareable link' to whoever you want. As long as soneone has the player's 'shareable link', they can view the player's profile, even if they don't have an account themselves. The only thing stopping you now, is you.

Tags allow players to add searchable tags to their profile. Tag your upcoming tryout camp or showcase event so teams can know where you will be before they walk into the rink and get the “player list” from the event. Teams can now do preliminary homework and can plan their scouting trip accordingly to make it a point of seeing you play! Other examples of tags are "left shot", "Defenseman", "6'3", “Jr A Free Agent”, “NCAA Uncommitted” “OHL Draft Pick”, “Player of the Month”. Tag anything you feel is relevant!

The Swan Hockey Live Podcast is a live interactive podcast featuring many coaches/team personel from high level junior programs. Many of these individuals have Scout Central team accounts. We assign many of them a "player tag". Players that like what that coach had to say can add that coach's "player tag" to their player account. That coach can then search his "player tag" and get a list of all of the players that want to connect with him and have shared the time together on the podcast! For more information on the Swan Hockey Live Podcast, click here.

No. Scout Central does not perform advisory services. If you currently work with an agent/advisor, you may build the agent/advisor into your profile. You will want to share the link to your profile with your agent/advisor as your profile will help them with their services towards you as well. 

Scout Central houses all of the player's important information in one spot. No more text messages with stats, videos not opening in emails, and a mess. Everything is now organized in one location that is accessable through computer, phone, or tablet!

Teams can search by player name, birth year, or player tags; or by any combination of the three. This system allows teams to pinpoint exactly what they are looking for.

Yes. Their are many advantages to having your players on the platform. There are advantages from a Hockey Operations perspective as well as from a business perspective. Please contact us at contact@scoutcentralhockey.com to inquire.